Dental Implant Procedures

Dental Implant Procedures

Dental Implant Procedures : A Comprehensive Guide Dental implants have revolutionized how we replace missing teeth, offering a transformative solution that significantly improves your quality of life. If you’re considering dental implants, this guide will provide essential information about the procedure, its benefits, risks, and candidacy, instilling hope and optimism for a brighter dental future. […]

البوتوكس في دبي

البوتوكس في دبي

دليلك الشامل حول حقن البوتوكس في دبي  ما هو البوتوكس؟ البوتوكس هو علاج تجميلي شائع يستخدم لتقليل ظهور التجاعيد والخطوط الدقيقة. يتم حقن مادة البوتولينوم التوكسين A، وهي مادة بروتينية طبيعية، في العضلات التي تسبب التجاعيد. تعمل هذه المادة عن طريق منع إشارات الأعصاب إلى العضلات، مما يؤدي إلى استرخائها وتقليل ظهور التجاعيد والآن دعنا […]

إبرة النضارة في دبي

إبرة النضارة

لمحة عامة حمض الهيالورونيك هو مادة طبيعية تلعب دوراً في عملية تكوين الكولاجين في الجسم والحفاظ على ترطيب البشرة. على الرغم من أن قدرة الجسم على إنتاج حمض الهيالورونيك تتراجع بمرور الوقت، إلا أن استخدام حمض الهيالورونيك الاصطناعي يمكن أن يساعد في تحسين إنتاج الكولاجين وترطيب وتغذية البشرة. إبرة النضارة هي علاج تجميلي يعمل على […]

10 Natural Hair Treatment Tips for Hair Growth

10 Natural Hair Treatment Tips for Hair Growth

10 Natural Hair Treatment Tips for Hair Growth Dealing with hair loss can be a worry, but knowing there are simple, natural ways to encourage healthy hair growth is a reason for hope.  10 Natural Hair Treatment Tips for Hair Growth Here are 10 Natural Hair Treatment Tips for Hair Growth 10 Natural Hair Treatment […]

Dermal Fillers

Dermal Fillers

Turning Back Time: All About Dermal Fillers Have you ever noticed lines around your mouth deepening or fullness fading from your cheeks? These are natural signs of aging, but modern aesthetics offers transformative solutions. Dermal fillers, a popular non-surgical way to restore a youthful look, can bring back the fullness and smoothness you desire. What […]

Facelifting in Dubai

Facelifting in Dubai

Turning Back Time: A Comprehensive Guide to Facelifting The quest for a youthful appearance has captivated humanity for centuries. While time travel remains elusive, cosmetic surgery has emerged as a powerful tool for combating the visible signs of aging. Facelifts, a well-established surgical procedure, are famous for those seeking a more dramatic rejuvenation of the […]

fillers in Dubai

fillers in dubai

Turning Back Time: A Guide to Understanding Fillers The quest for a youthful appearance has driven innovation in the beauty industry for decades. From advanced skincare routines to surgical procedures, there are options to address the visible signs of aging. Fillers, a non-surgical cosmetic treatment, have emerged as a popular choice for those seeking to […]

6 things cause wrinkles to edit

6 things cause wrinkles to edit.

Forever young look: 6 things cause wrinkles to edit Wrinkles are a natural part of aging, but that doesn’t mean we have to accelerate their arrival! Many everyday habits unknowingly contribute to forming those unwanted lines and creases. You can promote younger-looking skin and maintain a radiant complexion for years by identifying and eliminating these […]

6 Anti-Aging Tips That’ll Transform Your Beauty Routine

6 Anti-Aging Tips That’ll Transform Your Beauty Routine

6 Anti-Aging Tips That’ll Transform Your Beauty Routine The fountain of youth may be a myth, but that doesn’t mean you can’t take control and embrace a healthy and radiant complexion at any age. While aging is a natural part of life, you can take steps to minimize the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and […]

6 Ways to Treat Wrinkles

6 Ways to Treat Wrinkles

Unveiling the Mystery: 6 Ways to Treat Wrinkles Have you ever noticed those fine lines crinkling around your eyes when you smile? Or is a deeper furrow forming between your brows? Those, my friends, are wrinkles – a natural part of aging, but that doesn’t mean we must surrender to them entirely! In this blog, […]

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At Smile Spa Dental Clinic, we offer an extensive range of services to the people using the latest technology available in the dental industry today. It is our priority to create a warm, comfortable and welcoming environment for our patients, and deliver treatment with knowledge and care.


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Our clinics provides high-level dental services, offers comprehensive solutions for the treatment of any dantal disease.

Dr. Maha Hassan Awad

General Dentist & UK Aesthetic Diploma

Dr. Maha is a proactive and friendly dentist, who has the excellence to manage patients with exceptional brilliance. She is committed to provide the best quality treatment possible. After her graduation from Ajman University in 2007, Dr. Maha has completed her internship at the Military Dental Hospital in Sudan. She also worked as a clinical supervisor in Ajman University for 3 years, where she gained a vast experience in all dental treatments, including Pediatric dentistry.

She has extensive experience in general and cosmetic dentistry such as teeth whitening, crowns,bridges,bonding,dentures,extractions, tooth colored fillings, root canals and all other types of dentistry to create that winning smile you so desire.

Dr Hussein Elmasmari

Specialist Restorative Specialist, Implantologist,

Dr Hussein Elmasmari, UK certified Restorative Specialist, Implantologist, who has more than 30 Years of clinical experience, with extensive experience in treating patients with simple and complex implant rehabilitations

Dr. Luai Mahaini

Consultant Orthodontist

Graduated from International University of Moldova, Faculty of Dentistry in 2000.
He started his postgraduate education at Department of Orthodontics at Bayerische Landeszahnarztekammer – Germany and completed his PhD and Doctorate in February 2005.

Faculty Teaching member at the Damascus University,
He was involved in teaching and clinical training undergraduate and graduate students in all fields of Orthodontics.
Also Dr Mahaini conferences speaker as Certified Speaker for Absoanchor.

Dr. Mahaini international member of German Board of orthodontists.